Coder With A Blog: November 2013

Friday 29 November 2013

Day 47: Improved Dungeons and Social Media features

Hey guys!

Spent the last two days working on some pretty cool new content! Firstly, The dungeon generation has been improved to allow for smoother generation and a new room has been added to test out how smoothly the code works (Which is well!) Hopefully dungeon generation can progress now and adventuring can start!

Social Media aspects have also been added to the main menu, allowing you to share the game on Twitter and Facebook. Google+ support will come later!


Wednesday 27 November 2013

Day 45: Main Menu Improved, Game Optimisation and Screenshots!

Sorry for the lack of posting over the last few days, but I think you'll like what I added!


I improved the main menu even further, by adding the ability to open this blog by clicking on the title, exiting the game and starting the map. There is now a custom cursor too! The level also now loads instantly instead of after a minute or so!


I added a fog system that increases FPS by about 10fps if turned on, similar to Minecraft's render distance setting!


I added the ability to take screenshots in-game! Screenshots are saved as .png files, for easy sharing!
The following screenshots have been taken in-game using the feature!:


Sunday 24 November 2013

Day 42: Main Menu Improvements!


I spent a bit of time yesterday improving the main menu, and I'm happy with the current control method! (Still needs a bit of aesthetic polishing, but that will come later!) You can now exit the game from the main menu, and pressing escape at any time during the game will bring you back to the main menu, allowing you to exit!


Friday 22 November 2013

Day 41: Yer' a Wizard, Harry!


So I finally got around to adding magic! It's still a bit from perfect, but it works and has some fancy particle effects! It fires a small projectile that will damage anything it hits, and emit light in dark areas! I've also added a (very crude) main menu, that allows you to start the game! I plan on working on NPCs next, then improving shield mechanics before going back to the dungeons!


Keep on coding!

Monday 18 November 2013

Day 37: Alpha 1.1 release!

Hey guys!

I've finally decided to officially release a playable version of Adventure^3! You can try it out below!


F - HangGlider
T - Go to dungeon
Z - Switch Weapons
LMB -Fire
RMB- Lift companion cube

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Friday 15 November 2013

Day 34: Such new weapons, much improvement! wow!


Sorry for the lack of posts over the last week (it's only been a week? feels like forever!) Anyway, The game has no been updated to the latest version of Unity3d, and now has real-time water reflections! FPS has been improved and I noticed a gain of about 10fps from 60fps to 70fps, Which I'm happy with! Dungeons are coming along nicely, and now work. I'm still working on mapping out rooms, so it'll be a few days until it's usable! Cacti now deal 10 damage when walked into too, which is a nice addition to the desert. The Pine Tree regions now have a dirt ground instead of grass, adding a nice feel to the biome! 2 new weapons have also been added! The slingshot, Which fires stones that deal 1 damage and knock the enemy back, and the magic staff, which fires magic beams, dealing 20 damage! Finally, Sand, Gravel, Dirt and Grass textures have been remade to tile better and look less ugly!


Sunday 10 November 2013

Day 29: More work on Dungeons!


I've been putting a lot of working into the procedurally generated dungeons, and it's coming along nicely! At the moment I have different rooms - corridor and an open space - that generate seamlessly between each other! Here's a rundown on how I'm handling dungeons:

1. Upon entering the dungeon, two numbers are chosen - the number of floors, and the number of rooms in the current floor before the ladder to the next floor down is generated

2. Each time you clear a floor, a new number is generated to handle the amount of rooms on the floor being generated

3. At runtime, as you progress through the dungeon, triggers are set off which generates the next part of the floor based off a number of pre-made rooms (I plan on having so many different rooms that no dungeon will ever be the same :D - i.e. if I have 20 prefabs, and each floor has say, 10 rooms, and each dungeon has 10 floors, then that's a hell of a lot of dungeons that can be generated :D)

4. When the dungeon is completed, a boss battle room will be generated based on the current dungeon (I might even make 3 similar bosses with different weak spots for each dungeon, so that the battle will change each time you clear the dungeon)

Screenshots: (W.I.P)

Thursday 7 November 2013

Day 26: Dungeon Generation

Hey guys!

So I noticed development had stalled a bit recently, and it was mainly because I was unsure of what to add next, but fear not! I've begun writing the procedurally generated dungeon code and currently have a never ending corridor working! I'll post more on how I'm handling it when it's more polished, but it's getting late and I thought I'd post this to let you guys know how things are going!

Keep on coding!

Saturday 2 November 2013

Day 21: Performance Improvements, Better health containers and support for more weapons!

Hey guys!

Didn't get too much done content-wise today, but I noticed a lot of stuttering and dips down below 30fps while playing, which was strange. I had a mess around in Terrain settings and the game is running smoothly again! not sure what caused it, but I'll get to the bottom of it soon! I also improved the hitbox of health containers and added a nice bobbing and spinning effect to it, which livens it up a bit! Finally, I rewrote the weapon changing script to allow me to easily add more weapons for each class (Melee, Ranged and Magical, don't worry, all weapons will be obtainable, it's just what ones you choose to use!) such as flintlock pistols, or wooden swords/clubs, or new spells! You can now also attack with your fists, dealing 5 damage! Finally, I arranged most gameobjects into prefabs so they can be duplicated around scenes, making for easier transitions if I ever want to divide the map up into sections รก la Ocarina of Time

I've been considering also moving terrain to a voxel engine, but I still need to think it through


Keep on coding!

Friday 1 November 2013

Day 20: Damage Indicator, Cacti and health containers!

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates! Been quite busy recently and haven't had much time for development. Anyways, Today I've added a few cool new things! Firstly, a new desert biome has been added, and will probably contain a dungeon at some stage. Cacti are found scattered around the desert, and walking up to one will cause you damage! Secondly, as feedback from some beta-testers, an attack sound is now played when you take damage. Finally, health containers have been added (Small and Large). Small containers heal your health by 50hp, while large containers add on to your total max health (starts at 100)! Soon I'll be adding edibles such as bread and apples which will heal you by smaller amounts!

Keep on coding!