Coder With A Blog: Day 21: Performance Improvements, Better health containers and support for more weapons!

Saturday 2 November 2013

Day 21: Performance Improvements, Better health containers and support for more weapons!

Hey guys!

Didn't get too much done content-wise today, but I noticed a lot of stuttering and dips down below 30fps while playing, which was strange. I had a mess around in Terrain settings and the game is running smoothly again! not sure what caused it, but I'll get to the bottom of it soon! I also improved the hitbox of health containers and added a nice bobbing and spinning effect to it, which livens it up a bit! Finally, I rewrote the weapon changing script to allow me to easily add more weapons for each class (Melee, Ranged and Magical, don't worry, all weapons will be obtainable, it's just what ones you choose to use!) such as flintlock pistols, or wooden swords/clubs, or new spells! You can now also attack with your fists, dealing 5 damage! Finally, I arranged most gameobjects into prefabs so they can be duplicated around scenes, making for easier transitions if I ever want to divide the map up into sections รก la Ocarina of Time

I've been considering also moving terrain to a voxel engine, but I still need to think it through


Keep on coding!

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