Coder With A Blog: December 2013

Monday 30 December 2013

Day 79: Minimap, New meters and a new building!

Hey guys!

Sorry for the lack of posting recently (it's Christmas ;P)! But hey, Just because I didn't post doesn't mean I didn't code :D

Here's a list of new content added:

- A minimap has been adding to the top right corner of the screen
- A shield meter has been added alongside the magic meter and arrow meter - Shield takes 20 damage before being emptied and then slowly recharges.
- A new house has been added to the village


The game is starting to get quite laggy on my PC, so fixing that is what I plan on focusing on for the next while.

Keep on coding!

Monday 16 December 2013

Day 65: Magic Meter, Enemy AI improvements and attack improvements!

Hey guys!

I'm almost finished my exams (tomorrow!) so I'll have more time to work on Adventure^3, but for now, Here's what I added today!:

A new magic meter has been added that takes the place of the number of arrows you have while wielding a magic wand. The texture is W.I.P and was really a rough sketch for what the final image will look like. I also plan on adding a shield durability icon when you wield the sword and shield that will tell you how many attack points your shield can take before you begin to be damaged.

Enemies will also no longer follow you unless you are within 100 units of their location (prevents scorpions from leaving the desert etc.). I also hope to divide the map up into regions soon to reduce lag while keeping the open world feel! I've been looking at construction too, and it's extremely laggy at the moment, but I might have some kind of pre-made parts system for castles or homes (that'll be after the dungeons though!)

Finally, you can no longer spam sword attacks! The code now waits for the swinging animation to finish before allowing you to attack again, meaning you can no longer spam 1000s of points of damage in a few swings!


Keep on coding!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Day 63: Scorpions and GUI improvements!

Hey guys!

That's right! We have a new mob: The Scorpion. Hiding out in the desert, it quietly scuttles around and strikes with it's deadly tail. It's pretty cute too!

I've also added a new GUI system for reading signs and talking, which can be seen in the screenshots below.


Keep on Coding!

Friday 13 December 2013

Day 62: Improved Boat controls and Magic!

Hey guys!

Sorry for not posting recently! Been quite busy lately with personal things but I'm back :D Today I started work on some new boat controls, made the wand look more magicky and made a sound play when you cast a spell! I hope to add some kind of magic bar that is refilled by potions tomorrow, so that should be pretty fun!

I've also started on a mobile game! It's a small physics based platformer for Android and iOs that I started last week and I hope to finish soon! Development has been coming along nicely and it runs smoothly in tests!


Keep on coding!

Friday 6 December 2013

Day 54: Alpha 3.0 is here!

Hey guys!

I'm happy to announce that Adventure^3 Alpha 3.0 is now available! It contains all the content I've added since the last update, and it would be great if you guys could test it out to help me balance the enemies!


Z - Switch Weapon
LMB - Attack
RMB - Lift objects
WASD - Walk
F - HangGlider
G - Fog on/off
F2 - Take screenshots!

Download now!

Thursday 5 December 2013

Day 53: New Particles and FPS Improvements!

Hey guys!

I decided the thermal particles (the wind for the hang-glider) didn't really fit the theme of the game, so I went ahead and drew my own nice little 8x8 particle. It's inspired by games like Wind Waker and other Low-Poly style games, and I think it looks rather nice in game!

I also noticed some strange performance issues and a lack of shadows. I poked around in the settings in Unity and noticed I had (for some reason) set it to use DX11. Turned this off and bam! 70fps with shadows and running really smoothly again! The next alpha, version 3.0, will be out on friday alongside a cool gameplay video showing off all the features!


Keep on coding!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Day 52: Enemy Animations and Bug Fixes

Spent most of my (limited) development time today fixing a few bugs (being able to meelee with a crossbow and fire arrows at the same time etc.) but I also managed to get the beginning of the enemy animations in place. I'm using Unity's Mecanim system with my own Enemy A.I script (Which handles all types of A.I. in one script so I can easily change enemy behaviour at runtime!). Here's a quick rundown on how it works:

Enemies are default to playing the walking animation (which is automatically located by my script/Mecanim for each enemy) at half the speed of the actual animation, giving a nice walking effect! Every X amount of seconds (100 in-game ticks) the enemies will raycast straight forward from their location. A raycast is basically like an invisible laser pointer that returns information about what it hits back. If the hit object is tagged with "Player" then it will check the distance between the Enemy and Player, and if it is less than X metres (6 at the moment but I'm going to nerf it based on enemy statistics) then it deals damage to the player, plays the attack animation and the attack sound! If it is not with in range, the timer goes back to 100 ticks and it waits for the next countdown before trying the feature again!

It's a bit hard to get screenshots of the attacks, but I plan on making a video alongside the 3.0 release on Friday!

Keep on Coding!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Day 51: New Enemies!

Just wanted to show off a few of the new enemies I've added today! There are now 3 different enemies (all the same class though) in the game, each with their own statistics and looks!

The Skeleton Grunt:

A basic skeleton that lacks any sort of armour/weaponry. It punches you if it gets within range of you and deals 5 damage. It has a total of 20 health and no armour value.

The Skeleton Soldier:

The skeleton soldier is a slightly more powerful armed version of the skeleton grunt. It holds a sword and deals 10 damage. It also holds a shield, which protects it for 10 points of damage until used up. It has a total of 20 health.

The Skeleton Knight:

The skeleton knight is the most powerful of the current 3 enemies. It deals 20 damage for each hit from it's sword. It holds a shield, sword and helmet, totalling up to 20 armour points. It has a total of 60 health.

I plan on balancing them out totally eventually, but it'll most likely be in bulk once almost all the enemies have been added.

Keep on coding!

Monday 2 December 2013

Day 50: Enemy Improvements, GUI and 1000 blog views!

Hey guys! I'm happy to announce that the blog just hit 1000 viewers! It's not much but it's something, and it's a great source of motivation! It's also exactly 50 days since development began, which is awesome!

Anyways, I've been working on improving Enemy AI and other features! The standard "box" enemies have been replaced with some cool looking skeletons from the Oryx Lofi pack, animated by me :D They are also less prone to getting stuck at the corner of buildings. The range that they can attack has been doubled and camera glitches have been fixed! Sound effects have also been fixed to stop them getting cut off when the enemy dies!

Finally, I've started working on a chat dialog and sign GUI. it's very early in it's development stage at the moment and the textures are W.I.P.


Sunday 1 December 2013

Day 49: Enemy Test!

Hey guys!

A year or two ago, I started working on a pretty cool Roguelike/Sandbox 2d game called "Goblins and Golems" - . I ultimately lost the source code (Don't worry, I have 50GB+ of online cloud space now for all my game content!) but some of the features, like dungeons, are being transferred to Adventure Cubed ;). Anyways, The sprites and tiles used in that game was Oryx Lofi, famous for being used in games such as Realm of the Mad God, Delver and Legends of Yore (I seriously recommend playing them all!).

 I've decided to give the enemies a nice retro look by using these sprites for enemies in the game! It's not final at the moment but I think they look quite nice in game. Leave a comment telling me what you think about them and I'll decide based on feedback ;)
