Coder With A Blog: Day 51: New Enemies!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Day 51: New Enemies!

Just wanted to show off a few of the new enemies I've added today! There are now 3 different enemies (all the same class though) in the game, each with their own statistics and looks!

The Skeleton Grunt:

A basic skeleton that lacks any sort of armour/weaponry. It punches you if it gets within range of you and deals 5 damage. It has a total of 20 health and no armour value.

The Skeleton Soldier:

The skeleton soldier is a slightly more powerful armed version of the skeleton grunt. It holds a sword and deals 10 damage. It also holds a shield, which protects it for 10 points of damage until used up. It has a total of 20 health.

The Skeleton Knight:

The skeleton knight is the most powerful of the current 3 enemies. It deals 20 damage for each hit from it's sword. It holds a shield, sword and helmet, totalling up to 20 armour points. It has a total of 60 health.

I plan on balancing them out totally eventually, but it'll most likely be in bulk once almost all the enemies have been added.

Keep on coding!

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