Coder With A Blog: Day 53: New Particles and FPS Improvements!

Thursday 5 December 2013

Day 53: New Particles and FPS Improvements!

Hey guys!

I decided the thermal particles (the wind for the hang-glider) didn't really fit the theme of the game, so I went ahead and drew my own nice little 8x8 particle. It's inspired by games like Wind Waker and other Low-Poly style games, and I think it looks rather nice in game!

I also noticed some strange performance issues and a lack of shadows. I poked around in the settings in Unity and noticed I had (for some reason) set it to use DX11. Turned this off and bam! 70fps with shadows and running really smoothly again! The next alpha, version 3.0, will be out on friday alongside a cool gameplay video showing off all the features!


Keep on coding!

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